INDOMIEGila Cabe IjoThe green, spicy madness

_OgilvyOne WorldwideIndonesia2013

How to introduce the spiciest instant noodles to a country full of chilly? With green fever!

INDOMIEGila Cabe IjoThe green, spicy madness

_OgilvyOne WorldwideIndonesia2013

How to introduce the spiciest instant noodles to a country full of chilly? With green fever!

    • Over 45,000 photos submitted in the first 4 weeks
    • Some users going as crazy as sending us over 2,000 pictures
    • 84 blogs reported about the new variant
    • Over 27 million earned media impressions


and for 6 months, the Indonesian social media landscape was blanketed in green fever and the chatter around Indomie Goreng Cabe Ijo.

Indomie, Indonesia’s biggest instant noodle maker, had a new product: “Mi Goreng Cabe Ijo”, the spiciest flavour they had ever created. Because it was packaged all-green, in contrast to much of the spicy, chilly, hot food in the country being red was one of our ingredients for success. Combine that with a brand hugely popular and a daily staple to hundreds of millions, and the love Indonesians have for taking photos of food, we needed to do little to start an online-frenzy.